chiggas wanna know

It has plagued me for a few weeks now, so I wanna know, Jenny Lewis or Neko Case?
Clearly this is a serious matter.
So, which one? Keep in mind this could involve aspects such a musicality, ass kicking (literal ass kicking, as in who would win the fight?), a walk off, nails and hair, poop, water chugging skill, et cetera, et cetera.
Please do share your thoughts. And, please let us not let the photos dictate the opinion. I reapeat, this is a serious matter.
I take Neko every time.
I'm going with Neko. Good voice and viewable boobs always wins!
and it looks like neko is in the lead. mar, whatcha gonna do about it?
clarification - who are neko case and jenny lewis?
i ditto jellybean's comment.
they are two pretty awesome female musicians, check em out. (oh, and i do prefer neko guys)
neko has tiny pretty titties
are they really tiny? i'm not sure mine would look any biggger in a photo... and i don't think tbhey are tiny. but hell, i don't know...
you're right, not tiny, just perky. regardless i luv her.
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