bloggity blog blog... here i sit and blog.
honestly i completely forgot about the fact i had a blog. i don't really have much to write about though.
i looked up into the corner of this screen and it says "dashboard," and that reminds me, when the hell does the new modest mouse album come out?
could of been, should of bveen worse than you would ever know... the dashboard melted but we still had the radio...
and now we have moved from the year of the dog to the year of the pig.

it's 8:38am and i need more coffee.
honestly i completely forgot about the fact i had a blog. i don't really have much to write about though.
i looked up into the corner of this screen and it says "dashboard," and that reminds me, when the hell does the new modest mouse album come out?
could of been, should of bveen worse than you would ever know... the dashboard melted but we still had the radio...
and now we have moved from the year of the dog to the year of the pig.

it's 8:38am and i need more coffee.